The “Grand Master”, “Mr. Excitement”. When at the turntables Paul doesn’t just play records, he performs. A Foundation member of VRCA, vinyl collector, record dealer, co-founder and host on collectorskornernow.com, Paul originally a New York member he has recently relocated to Atlanta.
During his early days in Waterhouse, being exposed to the great sounds of King Tubby’s Hi-Fi and Prince Jammys it was almost inevitable that some musical gene would become ingrained in his DNA. Migrating to New York in 1969 Paul’s enterprising attitude led him to initially open Soul Heaven and then Soul to Soul record stores. At that time, in our fraternity any collector of note in or outside of New York, would at some time inevitably visit these stores to purchase some of the rare finds which Paul had discovered on one of his many search expeditions.
Elected and installed as the District Grand Master of Composite Grand Lodge # 2 of the Independent United Order of Mechanics FS W.H. Inc. in 2004, he held that position until 2008.
Never shy about putting forward ideas to assist in the evolution of our organization, Paul was the conceptualizer of our annual raffle, which is now established as a key element of our annual fund raising efforts.
Always up to a good tease, there is never a dull moment around Mr. Hutton. In 2009 he was honored with the VRCA Lifetime Achievement Award.
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