An avid supporter of VRCA events for many years, Norman “ Muggy” Lake volunteered to become a member in 2014. His long-standing love for music dates back to the 1960’s. He along with Ira Clayton Farquharson, Augustus Grant, Everard Martin “Q” and Steve “Bunny” Knight were amongst the original members of the Plus X Disco, which was very popular in Jamaica in the 1970’s-80. A lover of soul music he does not have one favorite song, as there are in his words “ too many of them”. He does admit however to being a great fan of Walter Jackson.
Migrating to Florida “Muggy” was quite active as a DJ on the entertainment circuit in the 1980’s and could be heard spinning his discs at various nightclubs, two of which were Classic and Carib 420. Today he still entertains at special events in Fort Lauderdale, always with a smile and an easygoing demeanor.
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