Originally from Pine Road in the Tower Hill area in Jamaica he had his early musical indoctrination from the sounds being played at the Dancehall’s, (Brammy Lawn and Williams Lawn) in front of and behind his house respectively. Surrounded by music he still remembers the great sound of Sir Kelly “ The Maestro” one of the Sound Systems that frequently played at both those venues. Lloyd took to playing at parties during the early 1970’s before migrating to Canada in 1977.
As so often is the case, the new exposure in Canada took him to an elevated level in collecting. Linking with Edgar “ Dust” Nelson, Ameer “ Dockie” Lopez and Bonner he started in his words “hearing tunes he never heard before”. Always a fun loving personality Lloyd started the “Friday Night Sit In” in Canada where Collectors would gather at each others homes to listen to music.
Lloyd is a past Master of the Prince Hall Masons and is no stranger to giving social service, which is also an integral part of the VRCA mission. He became a member of VRCA in 2010.
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