My name is Dawn Thomas; I have been working in the banking industry for 30 years. I have been in love with music, mainly soul and jazz for as long as I can remember.
I was born in St. Catherine, Jamaica and migrated to Canada in 1975 at the tender age of 5 and presently resides in Brampton, Ontario, Canada since 1994.
I had the opportunity of meeting Mr. Lloyd Green at an import and exporting meat store and he introduced me to Collectors Korner Now and VRCA. We would normally socialize with other friends during the week and mostly week-ends listening and playing music.
Mr. Green as he is affectionately known, began playing music and it just drew my attention to the kind of music that he was playing. I was very interested in that kind of music and because I was asking a lot of questions in reference to artists and title, he began to explain most of the songs to me.
After I started to play myself, he thought that I was getting good, so he then told me about VRCA and then enquired if I would be interested in becoming a member. I told him that I was very interested and I was then invited to a Canada Chapter of VRCA meeting and was introduced to all the members, some of which I was meeting for the first time.
It was a very interesting and exciting opportunity and since then I have become motivated and with extreme passion not only to be of service to VRCA but to work alongside an energized and amazing Canadian team.
It will be an honour to be part of such an elite organization, that I cannot wait for May 2020 to come.
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