Are Vinyl Records Worth Keeping?

Well, the short answer is absolutely! Vinyl records are absolutely worth keeping for a multitude of reasons including their collectability, their distinctive sound, as well as their sentimental value.....Read more

Vinyl record sales keep spinning and spinning – with no end in sight

Over the past decade, vinyl records have made a major comeback. People purchased US$1.2 billion of records in 2022, a 20% jump from the previous year......Read more

10 Best Bob Marley Songs of All Time

Bob Marley, born Robert Nesta Marley on February 6, 1945, in Nine Mile, Jamaica, is one of the most iconic and influential musicians in the history of reggae music. His legacy extends far beyond the realm of music, making him a cultural and social symbol.....Read more

UB40 Greatest Hits continues to hold firm

AFTER 267 non-consecutive weeks, Greatest Hits, a 21-song retrospective by British reggae band UB40, continues to dominate the Billboard Reggae Albums chart......Read more

As vinyl record sales eclipse CDs, LP pressing plants are thriving

The LP industry is booming, but for the businesses that manufacture those records, the last few years have been a bumpy ride....Read more

Why Are Vinyl Records So Expensive? Will Prices Come Down?

There’s a lot to consider here, so we’ll break the topics down into a multitude of factors affecting market prices.....Read more

The Future of Vinyl Record Collecting and the Music Industry: An Overview

Introduction: Vinyl records have made a remarkable comeback in recent years, proving they are here to stay......Read more

Morgan Heritage gets Music Icon Award today

Members of Grammy Award-winning reggae group Morgan Heritage are pleased to be this year's Music Icon Award recipients at the Grand Gala today.....Read more

Peter Austin of The Clarendonians dies aged 78

Peter Austin, who recorded a number of hit songs as a member of The Clarendonians, died at his St Andrew home on July 21. He was 78......Read more


Former JTC Employees Wemley Brown and Howard Barret gets social-media recognition by Local Jamaican music historian and Kool 97FM Radio DJ, Roberto Moore, for their roles in the chapters of our world renowned music....Read more



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