A dedicated, reliable member, Caryl is the current Secretary/Director of the VRCA. He joined our organization in 2010 after being a more than frequent supporter at events prior. His early musical influence came from hearing the various sound systems in the Rousseau Road area in Kingston, Jamaica where he lived. Tres and Merritone Discos he remembers as being amongst his favorite sound systems then. Form early to mid 1960’s as a student Caryl was drawn to buying records with his very limited resources. He was privileged in those days to have experienced the likes of the great Tommy McCook live at Bournemouth and Victoria Pier. Graduating from school in the late 1960’s, entering the working world and now with more disposable income, record stores like Aquarius, Record Plaza and Times Store became his favorite haunts to purchase even more records.
After a four-year stay in Canada (1972-76) Caryl returned to Jamaica and then migrated to New York in 1980. It was almost inevitable that with his love of music and records that he would eventually meet Paul Hutton. As the saying goes, the rest is history.
A co-founder of collectorskornernow.com (CKN), he along with his co-host, his wife Pat who is the smooth voice of CKN can be heard on weekly programs on CKN. Caryl has a passion (a hobby second only to records of course) for photography and possesses an enviable pictorial record of many VRCA events that he willingly shares.
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